17 sub-categories with 44 hymns.

1. Constrained by the Lord's Love ... #431-#436
2. Attracted by the Lord's Beauty ... #437
3. Separated unto the Lord ... #438-#440
4. Surrendering All to the Lord ... #441-#446
5. All on the Altar ... #447-#448
6. Yielding to the Lord ... #449-#451
7. Belonging to the Lord ... #452-#454
8. Living for the Lord ... #455-#459
9. Following the Lord ... #460-#462
10. Serving the Lord ... #463-#465
11. Acknowledging the Lord's Reign ... #466-#467
12. Fighting with the Lord ... #468-#469
13. Answering the Lord's Call ... #470
14. Returning to the Lord ... #471
15. Willing to Suffer for the Lord ... #472
16. Possesing All in the Lord ... #473
17. Christ as Our Burnt Offering ... #1138